The company IGGOS d.o.o. has been established in 1993 in Pula, and since then is in 100% family ownership. Over the last 25 years we were able to recognize the opportunity, and convert it into a business of import and distribution of high quality ingredients for pastries, ice cream shops, bakeries, etc...
With our wide variety of high quality products, the company IGGOS d.o.o. has positioned itself as a leading distributer of raw materials for producing in pastry, ice cream and bakery in the Republic of Croatia.
Company IGGOS d.o.o. is exclusive importer and distributer for Republic of Croatia of several renowned producers.
With more than 600 products available on stock we are able for a fast supply and service of our clients nationwide.
Safety and food hygiene has always been an important part of business to us. That is why we give a special care when choosing our suppliers and transporters, as well as storing and delivering the goods.
Thanks to the confidence and thrust of our clients, along with following the trends in industry we are having a constant growth for long period of years.
Our goal is to offer our clients only the high quality products along with the best possible service.